How to save time travelling to Vietnam?
If you are planning to travel to Vietnam one day, it is high time for you to start considering how to get to Vietnam in the most timely and simple manner. That’s it! Travelling to a country should all be just staying there, enjoying the wonderful atmosphere, relaxing and experiencing new life, not just bothering about all lengthy and complicated procedures before truly arriving and immersing yourself in that new culture. So, how to save time preparing for your travel?

How to save time travelling to Vietnam?
1. Knowing where to go
The first and foremost thing ever when planning to go somewhere is knowing about your destination. Vietnam is a wonderful country with a number of places of beauty and heritages recognized by the UNESCO. However, for a short time visiting Vietnam, you may be probably unable to discover every corner in this fascinating country. Considering which places to go, therefore, is extremely important. Not only can it help you to save your time in Vietnam but it can also enable you to get the best moments and memories there.
2. Getting a visa
No matter which country you would like to go, there are always some requirements that you have to satisfy to be eligible for entering. In Vietnam, getting a visa beforehand is of the most crucial. Some nationalities, however, are exempted from Vietnam visa. Therefore, just first learning whether your nationality is required to have Vietnam visa or not. If yes, now how to get a visa? Traditionally, you can get a visa by asking Vietnam Embassy in your country but you will need to deal with a number of travels to the Embassy and bureaucratic procedures there. Then, waiting for 3-6 days is required for the visa to be issued.
As you can see, getting visa this way will take a lot of your time, not to mention the possibility that your country does not have a Vietnam Embassy. So how to make this step easier? With innovative Vietnam visa policy, you can now request a visa right from home, through internet. By applying visa online, you will get Vietnam visa approval letter which is the prerequisite to get visa on your arrival to Vietnam. This method will help you save your time travelling around, together with waiting time for a visa since it can take you only 30 minutes to 2 working days to get a visa approval letter.
3. Fast-track at Vietnam international airport
Applying visa online helps you reduce your time to prepare for a visa; however, when you arrive at Vietnam international airport, you need to queue to get stamped visa, which may last for 15-30 minutes. For some, getting in line and waiting can be a kind of hassle. And you can totally avoid it by applying for a fast-track service at the airport. With this service, you will be free to relax right after arriving at the airport and have someone else help you with all the check-in procedures in only 1-2 minutes. No queuing, no waiting after a long and tiring flight.
Just completely enjoy your trip and forget all about bothering stuff. Let bring you an unforgettable journey ever.
Read more: Vietnam entry requirements for foreigners