Why holding cash is recommended when travelling to Vietnam?
As a renowned destination for tourism, Vietnam attracts a huge number of visitors worldwide each year. When coming to Vietnam, however, many foreign visitors are stuck with hassle, finding it struggling to use their own national currencies to purchase goods or use services in Vietnam. Right after landing at Vietnam airport, the trouble with different currency starts. So how to avoid this burdensome stuff? If you want to make Vietnam visa online price cheap, we can help you.
In Vietnam, beside the domestic currency of VND, the foreign currency that is most commonly used is USD. To prevent all possible annoying, it is recommended that foreigners hold some USD or VND cash in their pocket to use inside Vietnam. Just see how these two currencies can be used in different cases here.

Foreigners should hold cash when travelling to Vietnam
Foreigners arriving at Vietnam airport will be checked before being granted to enter Vietnam. For this, foreigners will be asked to present a stamped visa or to get a visa on arrival. With those that had applied for a visa approval letter in advance online through a travel agency, asking for a stamped visa at the airport is required. To accomplish this procedure, foreigners need to pay visa stamping fee to Vietnam Immigration officer. However, not all of foreign currencies are accepted by the officer. Instead, only USD and VND cash can be used in this case. There is not any regime for you to pay your fee by credit card. Therefore, if you have credit card with USD, you will need to withdraw the money from your card, and of course, only VND cash can be withdraw from your account at ATM station in Vietnam and you have to pay for transaction fee. This is the first and foremost reason that you should prepare your cash if you do not want to exchange your currency to USD or VND with high exchange rate at the airport or pay for transaction service at ATM.
Not only procedure at the airport requires you to possess some cash but also services in Vietnam do. Almost tourists choose the car pick-up service of travel or visa agent, but some of them will try to take a taxi by themselves and unfortunately meet many problems with Taxi fee. There are a number of different kinds of taxi with different prices, which is difficult for tourists to choose the best one with the most competitive price as the agent fixed price. And, once again, cash in USD or VND currencies is the only method of payment accepted by taxi drivers.
Vietnamvs.com provides our value customers with private car of differently appropriate number of seats and reasonable fee as follows:
Kind of car
Fee for private car
4 seats
7 seats
16 seats
Particularly, in Vietnam, the most preferred payment method that people often use is cash rather than credit card. So whether you go shopping or somewhere, you should prepare cash, especially VND or USD cash ready with you. If you only rely on your credit card in Vietnam, you may face with embarrassing situations when your card is refused by the shops unless you come in some supermarkets, large restaurants and hotels
Read more: Important notes on Vietnam visa on arrival