Vietnam Transit Visa information for foreigners provides you some information about transit Vietnam visa. Following the new law No. 47/2014/QH13 on entry, exit, transit, and residence status of foreigners in Viet Nam, it takes effect on 1 Jan 2015, Transit through Vietnam is provided as follows:

1. Conditions for transit

A foreigner will be granted transit when all of the documents below are presented:

-  A passport or a laissez-passer;

- A ticket that matches the route to the third country;

- The visa is issued by the third country, except for cases in which visa-free entry is granted.

2. Transit passenger area

- Transit passenger area is an area within a border checkpoint where foreigners may stay before going to the third country.

- The transit passenger area will be decided by the authority in charge of the border checkpoint.

3. Transit by air

- Foreigners that transit by air are not required to obtain a visa and must stay within the transit passenger area of the international airport pending the connecting flight.

- During the transit, any foreigner that wishes to enter Vietnam for the purpose of tourism according to a schedule designed by an international tourism company n Vietnam, such foreign shall be considered to be issued with a visa that matches the transit duration.

4. Transit by sea

Foreigners that transit by sea are not required to obtain a visa and must stay within the transit passenger area of the seaport while the ship is anchoring; any of them who wishes to enter Vietnam for the purpose of tourism according to a schedule designed by an international tourism company in Vietnam; any of them who wishes to leave Vietnam through another border checkpoint shall be considered to be issued with a VR visa.

* Visa code VR - Issued to people who come to visit their relatives or for have other purposes.

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Thank you for visiting! is not an embassy .Our website is an E-commercial for visa on arrival not Government website and not associated with the government. We have a legal right to provide Vietnam entry visa for all visitors regarding business or tourist purpose lawfully.
With our service, you don’t have to go to the Embassy or send your passport by post, safely, fastest, credible…. Depending on every Embassy in every country that our cost maybe lower or higher.We charge slightly higher than the embassy fee for addtional services such as: urgent Visa processing time, cutting-off time, weekend & holiday Visa processing, Visa extension. If you wish to apply directly to the relevant embassy, please consult their official website for guidelines on how and where to apply, application forms and for information on their fees. You can contact Vietnam Embassy in your living country to get more information about Vietnam visa.

 Money back Guarantee if declined: Most applicants pass smoothly, but if there's a problem with the visa, Vietnamvs Money Back Guarantee ensures that buyers receive the visa they ordered or get their money back.


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