Vietnam Transit Visa information for foreigners provides you some information about transit Vietnam visa. Following the new law No. 47/2014/QH13 on entry, exit, transit, and residence status of foreigners in Viet Nam, it takes effect on 1 Jan 2015, Transit through Vietnam is provided as follows:
1. Conditions for transit
A foreigner will be granted transit when all of the documents below are presented:
- A passport or a laissez-passer;
- A ticket that matches the route to the third country;
- The visa is issued by the third country, except for cases in which visa-free entry is granted.
2. Transit passenger area
- Transit passenger area is an area within a border checkpoint where foreigners may stay before going to the third country.
- The transit passenger area will be decided by the authority in charge of the border checkpoint.

3. Transit by air
- Foreigners that transit by air are not required to obtain a visa and must stay within the transit passenger area of the international airport pending the connecting flight.
- During the transit, any foreigner that wishes to enter Vietnam for the purpose of tourism according to a schedule designed by an international tourism company n Vietnam, such foreign shall be considered to be issued with a visa that matches the transit duration.
4. Transit by sea
Foreigners that transit by sea are not required to obtain a visa and must stay within the transit passenger area of the seaport while the ship is anchoring; any of them who wishes to enter Vietnam for the purpose of tourism according to a schedule designed by an international tourism company in Vietnam; any of them who wishes to leave Vietnam through another border checkpoint shall be considered to be issued with a VR visa.
* Visa code VR - Issued to people who come to visit their relatives or for have other purposes.
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