Something you should take note before submitting Vietnam Visa online
To have no error when apply for Vietnam visa online, you have to know something before submitting Vietnam visa online. Vietnam Visa online is a Visa service in Vietnam. It is a convenient, effective service for all tourists over the world. We no longer spend a lot of time to get in line, wait for application at Vietnam Embassy in your own countries. In addition, with the cheap price, the simple applying, the prestige, the on time approval letter sending, Vietnam Visa online has got the trust of tourists. You can apply Vietnam Visa online easily wherever connects Internet, 3G Mobile, Wireless. No need to send your passport to anywhere.
These things you have to take note:
Website which you apply in is in charge of legal company. This company has exact address, telephone number. The layout, content in website usually has been updated. For sure you can send a question to the website. If the reply email has clear content, correct grammar, this website is reliable for you to apply.
Your passport has been valid at least in 6 months.
You check whether your nationality is in the countries whose entry visas are exempt. If you are in the list, apply visa online, we will refund the payment.

Your stay is within 30 days:
Most citizens of ASEAN member-countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Laos.
- Your stay is within 21 days.
- Your stay is within 15 days.
Brunei, Korea, Japan, Russia and the Scandinavian nations such as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland
You must have return tickets if you enter Vietnam without Visa.
You have to define the Arrival and Exit date, staying period in Vietnam.
Note: Your Visa should be ready upon 48 hours before arriving at the depart point.
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